Domain of PT

  1. IS Divinely Defined
    1. The Written Word *2Tim 3:16-4:2
    2. Non-Negotable *2Tim1:13
    3. Avoid HVP *2Tim2:16,23
    4. Only Way to Meet Divine Goal for Bel *2Tim 3:17, 2Pet 1:3
    5. Impartial/Nonselective/No Favorites (persons, teachings, ideas) *1Tim 5:21
    6. Program of PT *Eph 4:11-16, NT
    7. Numbers and PT *Matt 16:18, 1Cor. 3:6
      1. God values individual growth (quality)
      2. Men value numerical growth (quantity)
  2. IS Not Humanly Defined *2Tim 4:3-5
    1. My Want Based Teaching *2Tim 4:3-5
    2. Problem Targeted *2Tim 4:3-5
    3. Market Driven *2Tim 4:3-5
    4. The Purpose Driven Church *1Tim 4:1-3
    5. The Post Modern Church *2Tim 4:3-5
